Tuesday, May 03, 2011


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Poems in R

Douglas L. Simmons

Copyright © 2005 by Douglas L. Simmons

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      Well the feeling
      just keeps growing,
      and you're reeling
      just from knowing.

      Think it over,
      and then love her
      before you go for
      any other.

      She was so much warmer
      and she was so very tender.
      You didn't want to harm her,
      no, you didn't mean to bend her.

      Well the feeling
      just keeps growing,
      and you're reeling
      just from knowing.

      Think it over
      and then love her
      before you go for
      any other.

      Doug L.
      3 October 1973
      (Home) Mainz, Germany

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      All of your fortresses
      are fading away fast.
      Truly, how long did
      you expect them to last?

      What will you do when
      the walls are all down,
      and you face your demons
      alone on the ground?

      This is not to grieve you,
      or try to deceive you,
      or sell away all of
      your thoughts to my sadness;
      but only to warn you.
      I dare not do less.

      I have spoken to the wizard
      who rides the grey lizard,
      these are the futures
      in his crystal ball.
      Though they haven't yet been,
      and you have not seen,
      take heed and believe them
      for you can not leave them
      I know they are true.

      Numberless dead men,
      and the one who has led them
      sits alone crying,
      left on his own trying
      so hard not to fall.

      And you who have given
      this legacy of dying
      to those who were living,
      sit in all of your power,
      in your darkest hour
      alone on your wall.

      Did you make these visions,
      or did they just come?
      And if you can face them
      how will you replace them
      now that they are done?

      Doug L
      25 October 1973
      Mainz, Germany

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Poems in S

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